HTML Entities


Description Entity name Entity number
< Less than(start of HTML element) &lt; <
> Greater than(end of HTML element) &gt; >
Double quotation &quot;
& Ampersand ( beginning of HTML entity) &amp; &

There are two methods for displaying HTML tags as plain text.

Table of Content

  • Using plaintext element
  • HTML entities

How to display HTML tags as plain text in HTML ?

In this article, we will learn how to display HTML tags as plain text in HTML. We can replace the plain text by using < with   &lt; or &60; and >   with  &gt; or &62; on each HTML tag.

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Sign Description Entity name Entity number < Less than(start of HTML element) < < > Greater than(end of HTML element) > > “ Double quotation " “ & Ampersand ( beginning of HTML entity) & &...

Using plaintext element:

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HTML entities
