HTML textarea tag Examples

Example 1: This simple example illustrates the use of the <textarea> tag in HTML that enables the multi-line text input control.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>textarea tag</title>
    <h2>HTML Textarea tag </h2>
    <form action="#">
        <textarea rows="10"
          Share your knowledge by writing your own blog!
        <input type="submit"


HTML tag


  • In this example we are using the <textarea> tag within a <form> element.
  • Specifies rows, cols, and name attributes to define its dimensions and identifier.
  • Displays placeholder text for user guidance.
  • Provides a submit button to send the textarea content to the server.

Example 2: In this example, we have used the resize property whose value is set to none that will disable the resize option of the textarea.


<!DOCTYPE html>
     <title>HTML textarea tag</title>
        textarea {
            resize: none;
    <h2>HTML Textarea tag </h2>
    <form action="#">
        <textarea rows="7"
        <input type="submit">




  • In the above example we disables resizing of the textarea using CSS.
  • Contains a <form> element with a <textarea> tag for user input.
  • Specifies rows, cols, and name for defining textarea dimensions and identification.
  • Includes a submit button within the form for form submission.

HTML tag</h1></div>

HTML <textarea> tag is used to define a multi-line plain-text editing control. It’s used in forms to collect user inputs like comments or reviews. Attributes like cols and rows define its size, while the name is needed for form data submission and the ID for label linkage. It renders text in a fixed-width font.



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HTML textarea tag Attribute values

Attribute Description autocomplete Specifies whether the textarea field has autocompleted on or off. autofocus Specifies that the textarea field should automatically receive focus when the page loads. cols Tells the browser how many average-width characters should fit on a single line, i.e., the number of columns. dirname Enables setting the text direction of the textarea field after submitting the form. disabled Specifies that the textarea element is disabled. form Specifies one or more forms that the