Human Nervous System – responsible for actions

The central nervous system looks after and maintains both voluntary and involuntary actions. It assists in directing impulses to and from various bodily organs. The nervous system can be broadly divided into two groups:

a) Central Nervous System

b) Peripheral Nervous System

The brain and spinal cord are parts of the central nervous system, whereas the nerves and ganglia that are found outside of the brain and spinal cord are part of the peripheral nervous system. Every portion of the body is connected via axons.

a) The Central Nervous System includes

The cerebrum, hypothalamus, and thalamus make up the forebrain. The cerebrum is the biggest component of the brain. This area of the brain is primarily responsible for thinking, perception, motor control, information processing, and language understanding. The forebrain is also connected to systems related to emotion and sexual development.It is located in the midbrain, between the thalamus and hypothalamus. The midbrain is connected to the brain stem. The midbrain is in charge of controlling visual and auditory responses.

Medulla, pons, and cerebellum are all connected in the hindbrain as a group. The Hind brain connects several areas of the brain’s surface, which aids in accommodating neurons and connecting them to the spinal column. Central Nervous System processes, controls, responsible and Integrates InformationThe brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system. The brain directs our thoughts, memories, movements, and emotions. Between the brain and the nerves that run throughout the body, the spinal cord relays messages.

Both the brain and the spinal cord are encased in bone, the vertebrae, a group of ring-shaped bones, protecting the spinal cord and the brain respectively. Both of them are supported by cerebrospinal fluid and meningeal membrane layers. The fluid circulates along the spinal column and via ventricles, or hollow chambers, in the brain. It defends, nourishes, and removes waste from the central nervous system.

b) The Peripheral Nervous System includes

The major function of the somatic nervous system is to convey motor and sensory impulses from the central nervous system (CNS) and back. It is connected to the skeletal system, limbs, and all sensory organs. Imagine yourself on a bicycle and all of a sudden you see an obstruction in the way, like a dog. The somatic nervous system reacts, causing you to instantly swerve out of the way of the object and prevent the collision.The autonomic nervous system is the body’s automatic nervous system. The system aids in the transmission of impulses from the central nervous system to smooth muscles and involuntary organs like your heart and lungs, among other things.

 The nerves that emerge from the brain and spinal cord make up the peripheral nervous system. The CNS and the body components are connected through a network of nerves. The somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system are additional divisions of the peripheral nervous system. The somatic nervous system is involved in conscious processes and is made up of nerves that supply the skin and muscles. The CNS is linked to visceral organs including the heart, stomach, and intestines by the autonomic nervous system, which is made up of nerves. It facilitates unconscious processes.

Human Body Parts Name and Functions

Human Body Parts: The human body is a wonderful machine involving various interconnected frameworks and organs. Each body part has explicit capabilities that add to our general well-being and prosperity. In this article, we will dive into the complexities of the absolute most captivating human body parts, investigating their design, capability, and the wonders they hold.

Table of Content

  • Human Anatomy
  • List of Human Body Parts
  • Human Body Structure
  • Human Physiology
  • Human Body Parts and their functions
  • Digestive System breakdown – The break down and Absorption
  • The Reproductive System – Life Cycle Proceeds
  • Respiratory System – breathing lives into Our Bodies
  • Human Nervous System – responsible for actions
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs – Human Anatomy And Physiology

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