Human Poverty Index (HPI)

Related to the HDI is the Human Poverty Index (HPI), which measures the shortfall in human development. It considers factors such as survival rates, literacy rates, access to clean water, and child malnutrition.

The HPI offers a more nuanced understanding of development challenges by highlighting areas of deprivation.

Measuring Human Development| Class 12 Geography Notes

The Human Development Index (HDI) is a widely used measure that ranks countries based on their performance in key areas vital to human well-being: health, education, and access to resources.

This article explores the components and implications of the HDI.

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Components of HDI

The HDI considers three main dimensions: health, education, and access to resources. Each dimension is assessed using specific indicators....

Calculation of HDI

Each dimension of health, education, and access to resources is given equal weightage of 1/3 in the calculation of the HDI. The HDI score is a sum total of the weighted values assigned to each dimension, ranging from 0 to 1....

Interpreting HDI Scores

A higher HDI score indicates a greater level of human development, while a lower score suggests a lower level of development....

Limitations of HDI

While the HDI provides valuable insights into human development, it has limitations. One major drawback is its failure to account for distributional inequalities within countries....

Human Poverty Index (HPI)

Related to the HDI is the Human Poverty Index (HPI), which measures the shortfall in human development. It considers factors such as survival rates, literacy rates, access to clean water, and child malnutrition....

Moving Beyond HDI: Gross National Happiness (GNH)

While many countries use the HDI as a measure of progress, Bhutan stands out for its adoption of Gross National Happiness (GNH) as the primary indicator of development....


The Human Development Index provides a valuable snapshot of a country’s overall development status. However, complementing it with other measures like the Human Poverty Index and exploring alternative indicators such as Gross National Happiness can offer a more comprehensive understanding of human well-being and progress....

Measuring Human Development- FAQs

What is the Human Development Index (HDI), and why is it important?...