
  • Population: 10,052,928
  • Area: 90,530 Km2
  • Formed in: 1991
  • Length of the border: 136.7 km
  • History:
    • History of Ukraine and Hungary is very much interlinked with coexistance of two different culture, conflicts and coexistence. Ukraine was a part of Kingdom of Hungary.
    • Following the WW-I, Treaty of Trianon redrew the border of central Europe. As a result huge hungarian population fleed to Ukraine for shelter.
    • The modern bilateral relation between the nations took place in 1990, after the end of communism in Hungary and independence of Ukraine from Soviet in later years.
  • Cross-Border Relations:
    • the historical tension related to Transcarpathian Hungarians rights in Ukraine is still a concern for HUngary
    • Although both the country has certain level of dispute over minority rights, they have a healthy and growth oriented bilateral relations in trade, culture and economy
    • Both the country are into continuous process to resolve the issues going on due to distrust by exchanging dialogue with each other and collaborating on more sensitive matters.
  • Response to Russia-Ukraine War:

Hungary is not much in support of Ukraine in this event of war. Ukraine being restricting the rights of Hungarian minority has created envy with Hungary. Beside this Hungary has shown negative response about shipping weapon to Ukraine as a support.

List of Countries Bordering Ukraine

List of Countries Bordering Ukraine: Ukraine is surrounded by seven countries namely Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Moldova, and Belarus. The Historical culture, politics, and economy of Ukraine have an impact on the countries bordering Ukraine’s border like any other country. Every country’s surrounding neighbour influences the growth, development, and administration of that country. Therefore, it is very important to understand the historical relationship, cultural commonalities, and the ecosystem between the neighboring nations.

In this article, we will learn about the history of Ukraine with its neighboring countries, their present relation, and other related matters.

Table of Content

  • Ukraine – Overview
  • List of Countries Bordering Ukraine
  • Map of the Ukraine Showing Surrounding Countries
  • List of Countries Bordering Ukraine in Details
  • Russia
  • Belarus
  • Poland
  • Slovakia
  • Hungary
  • Romania
  • Moldova
  • Ukraine’s Relationships with Bordering Countries

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Population: 9,470,716 Area: 202,910 Km2 Formed in: 1991 Length of the border: 1084 Km History: Both the nation, historically were the part of Kievan Rus’, later Russian empire. The second Polish Republic had controlled both the nation during 1918 to 1939. Before 1991, both the Belarus and Ukraine were the part of Soviet Union. Although informally recognised, the two nation had gone in diplomatic ties in 1918, where there were federal defensive alliance between Belarus and Ukraine. Cross-border relation: The relation between belarus and Ukraine was evidently better before the Russian Ukraine war. Both are the full member of Baku initiative and Central European initiative. Despite of having good terms in past, Belarus supporting Russia has become the main reason of detoriation of Belarus-Ukraine bond. Response to Russia-Ukraine War:...


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Population: 5,736,017 Area: 48,088 Km2 Formed in: 1991 Length of the border: 97 Km History: History provides evidences of Ukraine and Slovakia being the part of Kingdom of Hungry and later become the part of Atro-Hungarian Empire under the Rule of Habsburg Monarchy in early modern period During the twentieth-century, with the dissolution of Austro-Hungarian Empire, independence state was established. During WW-I, Slovakia became the part of Czechoslovakia while Ukraine was struggling through the instability resulting to independence and civil war. Both the nations were occupied by the Nazi Germany during WW-II. After the end of the WW-II, Slovakia become the part of communist Czechoslovakia and Ukraine was the part of Soviet Union. Dissolution of Soviet Union resulted the independence of Slovakia and Ukraine as a nation. Cross-Border Relation: Ukraine-Slovakia diplomatic relation is quite good, which is evident by periodical occurrence high of level visits and exchanges. Also, Ukraine is an important partner for Slovakia in mater of bilateral trade and cooperations Slovakia is a transit country for Russia to export natural gas to Ukraine, which create responsibility of security on Slovakia toward Ukraine. The cross-border relation between Slovakia and Ukraine leads to provide better scope of education health care and assistance to the nations and their people. Response in Russia-Ukraine War...


Population: 10,052,928 Area: 90,530 Km2 Formed in: 1991 Length of the border: 136.7 km History: History of Ukraine and Hungary is very much interlinked with coexistance of two different culture, conflicts and coexistence. Ukraine was a part of Kingdom of Hungary. Following the WW-I, Treaty of Trianon redrew the border of central Europe. As a result huge hungarian population fleed to Ukraine for shelter. The modern bilateral relation between the nations took place in 1990, after the end of communism in Hungary and independence of Ukraine from Soviet in later years. Cross-Border Relations: the historical tension related to Transcarpathian Hungarians rights in Ukraine is still a concern for HUngary Although both the country has certain level of dispute over minority rights, they have a healthy and growth oriented bilateral relations in trade, culture and economy Both the country are into continuous process to resolve the issues going on due to distrust by exchanging dialogue with each other and collaborating on more sensitive matters. Response to Russia-Ukraine War:...


Population: 19,717,564 Area: 230,170 Km2 Formed in: 1940 Length of the border: 649 Km History: Ukraine and Romania share a long connection of history dating back to the time when both the nations were the home land of common tribe civilization. In medical period, Romania and Ukraine had develop cultural ties due to the rise of the powerful empire of Principality of Moldavia and the Kingdom of Galicia-Volhynia. Aftermath of World war I and World war II, both the nation has lost various part of their territory as a result of various treaties such as Treaty of Bucharest (1918) and Treaty of Paris(1947) . After the end of Soviet Union, Ukraine and Romania had developed diplomatic relation with each other and built themselves a an independent nations. Cross-border relation: Romania and Ukraine has set the friendly relation long back but the dispute on Snake island is still an issue. although the territorial dispute is still alive but both the country are trade, culture and economy partner of each other. in 2020 defence ministry of both the nation signed an agreement stating about technical and military cooperation between the two nations. Response to Russia-Ukraine War:...


Population: 13,329,865 Area: 32,850 Km2 Formed in: 1991 Length of the border: 1,222 km History: Ukraine and Moldova share the history being the part of Sovidet union in past. First time, diplomatic relations between the two nations had develop in 1992, after Ukraine officially recognised the independence of Moldova in 1991. There had been a continuous conflict related to Transdniestria, which is still unresolved. Cross-border relation: Ukraine and Moldova share an economic relation including trade, energy and transport. Ukraine provide important transit route for Moldove connecting it with other countries in Europe. The heated issue of Ukraine control over Transdniestria has a major impact on moldava’s territorial integrity Although there are certain territorial dispute between the nations, but both share a healthy bilateral relations in other matters. Response to Russia-Ukraine War:...

Ukraine’s Relationships with Bordering Countries

Ukraine shares borders with seven countries: Belarus, Russia, Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland. Relations with its neighbors vary, shaped by historical, cultural, and geopolitical factors. Belarus and Russia have complex ties due to their shared Soviet past, but recent tensions have strained relations, especially after Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014. Moldova and Ukraine maintain friendly relations, collaborating on resolving the Transnistrian conflict. Ukraine enjoys cooperative ties with Romania, focusing on regional stability and cultural exchanges. Hungary and Ukraine share amicable relations, although occasional disputes arise over minority rights. Slovakia and Poland are important partners for Ukraine, cooperating on various issues including energy transit and trade. Overall, while historical legacies and contemporary geopolitical dynamics influence Ukraine’s relationships with its neighbors, efforts toward cooperation and mutual understanding remain essential for fostering regional stability and prosperity....

Conclusion – List of Countries Bordering Ukraine

As a conclusion, Ukraine has built mixed relations with its neighboring country. Having a common origin from the early period of history ukraine shares cultural and geographical similarities with its neighbor. Despite of some historical conflicts, diplomatic cooperation is always maintained among the country. From trade, health, to exchange of resources. Ukraine’s foreign relation seems to be quite good....

FAQ on List of Countries bordering Ukraine with Map

How many countries border Ukraine?...