Hyperledger Besu Consensus Algorithms

Hyperledger Besu supports several consensus algorithms, including:

  • Proof of Work (PoW): Proof of Work is a consensus algorithm used in public Ethereum networks and is the default consensus algorithm for Hyperledger Besu when running in public mode. It uses mining to reach a consensus on the state of the blockchain.
  • Clique PoA (Proof of Authority): Clique PoA is a consensus algorithm used in private Ethereum networks, where a set of authorized nodes, or authorities, validate transactions and blocks. It is more suitable for private networks where the identities of the validating nodes are known and can be trusted.
  • IBFT 2.0 (Istanbul Byzantine Fault Tolerance): Istanbul Byzantine Fault Tolerance is a consensus algorithm used in private Ethereum networks that provides high performance and finality. It is a BFT-style consensus algorithm that uses voting by validating nodes to reach consensus.
  • Aura PoA (Proof of Authority): Aura PoA is a consensus algorithm used in private Ethereum networks where a single authority is responsible for validating transactions and blocks. It is suitable for networks where a single entity needs to have complete control over the validation process.

Hyperledger Besu in Blockchain

Hyperledger Besu is an open-source blockchain platform developed under the Hyperledger project of the Linux Foundation. It is designed to provide a robust, secure, and highly performant platform for building decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts. 

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