Importance of Biodiversity-FAQs

Why is ecological stability important?

Ecological stability ensures the resilience and proper functioning of ecosystems, which are essential for maintaining environmental balance and providing valuable resources and services.

What are some economic benefits of ecosystems?

Ecosystems provide food, water, raw materials, medicinal resources, tourism opportunities, and climate regulation services, all of which contribute to economic development and human well-being.

Why do ecosystems have ethical importance?

Ecosystems have intrinsic value, harbor biodiversity, hold cultural and spiritual significance, support animal welfare, and require responsible stewardship from humans for the benefit of present and future generations.

How can we promote ecological stability and ethical consideration of ecosystems?

We can promote ecological stability and ethical consideration of ecosystems through conservation efforts, sustainable resource management, environmental education, and policies that prioritize the protection and responsible use of natural systems.

Importance of Biodiversity| Class 11 Geography Notes

Ecological stability, economic importance, and ethical considerations are crucial aspects of ecosystems that deserve attention. Ecosystems play a vital role in maintaining environmental balance, providing valuable resources, and upholding the intrinsic worth of nature.

Let us learn more about the importance of biodiversity and ecological stability in the article!

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Importance of Biodiversity-FAQs

Why is ecological stability important?...