Importance of Packaging

Packaging is important because of the following reasons:

1. Rising Standards of Health and Sanitation: As the standard of living has increased, people now have become more conscious about health and sanitation. Now, they prefer packed goods over loose goods as there are less chances of adulteration and contamination in packed products.  

2. Self-service Outlets: Self-service outlets are becoming very popular these days. Buyers are more influenced by the products sold at these outlets because of their attractive packaging. Attractive packaging attracts higher sales.

3. Innovational Opportunity: There have been significant changes in the marketing scene because of development and innovation in packaging. For example, milk and fruit juices can be stored for a longer period of time because of tetra packs.

4. Product Differentiation: Products can be easily differentiated from other products because of packaging, as packaging creates a brand image. The colour, size, material, etc., of the package, create a real difference in the minds of the consumers about the quality of the product. For example, from the package of food, drinks, etc., people can guess about the quality of the product. 

Packaging: Meaning, Levels, Importance and Functions

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