Importance of Purchase Order (PO)

1. Improved Planning and Budgeting: When entities have written paperwork for every purchase they have made, it becomes easier to keep track of what items have been bought, in what quantity, and at what price. This helps the account department to maintain a record of expenses, enabling them to budget more sensibly in the future and plan accordingly.

2. Acts as a Legal Contract: Purchase orders acts as a legal contracts between the buyer and the seller. It is important to document all the details about the ordered products because in case If the seller supplies a wrong or damaged product or demands a higher price, entity can use the PO as a legal document to protect their business interests. PO also protect the interest of the vendor, as he/she can use the PO as a reference to ensure that they supply the correct items and get paid in a timely manner.

3. Helps in Negotiations: PO helps the entity in maintaining a record of all purchases made, both the entity and the vendor can track the quantity of products ordered and the frequency of orders. With this information, entity can demand for bulk discounts on future purchases, which can save considerable amount of money in the long run for business.

4. Facilitates Efficient Business Operations: For running a business in a well-managed and efficient manner purchase orders are essential. PO can help the entity to ensure that they get the required items for the specified period. Entities can plan there business operations based on the terms of the supply, and track the performance of vendors they have worked with before. This saves the time and effort and enables the entity to focus on other aspects of there business.

Purchase Order (PO) : Full Form, Format, Types and Importance

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Importance of Purchase Order (PO)

1. Improved Planning and Budgeting: When entities have written paperwork for every purchase they have made, it becomes easier to keep track of what items have been bought, in what quantity, and at what price. This helps the account department to maintain a record of expenses, enabling them to budget more sensibly in the future and plan accordingly....

Advantages of Purchase Order (PO)

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