Importance of the Central Nervous System

The importance of the central nervous system can’t be defined in some simple words. The Central Nervous System is responsible for all the functions in the body. It might be a smooth action of the heart, it might be a need of the vision, and all the things are maintained by the Central Nervous System. In absence of it, most of the processes in the body will stop working. As a result, the body will malfunction & eventually die. This is the reason; if any part of the Central Nervous System gets affected severally then there is a very small chance of survival. The brain is considered the most important part of the body. As this is going to be controlled the body function. Central Nervous System helps to build up the neural network in the body. So, the body can share all the information with the Central Nervous System & get resolved.

Central Nervous System

The human body is a type of machine. A machine that is made of different components. Now, there should be some connection between those components. Also, there should be one who can decide on behalf of every organ. Functioning every organ & as well as monitoring them properly is not a simple task. Also, the human body should protect itself from outside threats. All these processes need to be done smoothly. There are some nervous systems are present in the human body to control & maintain all of these. Among all of them, the Central Nervous System (CNS) is the major one.

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Difference Between CNS and PNS

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Functions of the Central Nervous System

Maintaining Voluntary Response: The central nervous system helps to function the skeleton muscles. If there is a need to move from any location, the Central Nervous System provides a certain response to the skeleton muscles. As a result, the skeleton muscles start moving. And anybody can change the location. Similarly, if we want to take some food, so it helps to move the hand in such a way that a piece of food is put in the mouth. So all the voluntary responses is being controlled by the Central Nervous System. Maintaining Involuntary Response: Like the voluntary response of the body, the central nervous system also helps to maintain the involuntary function of the body. Involuntary function means breathing, vomiting, heartbeat, etc. All these functions are regulated with the help of the Central Nervous System. This nervous system helps to monitor involuntary actions.  Providing Sense To Body: Central Nervous System helps to provide sense to the body. The human body’s sense depends upon some special inputs. Like, touch, smell, vision, etc. All these powers are provided by the Central Nervous System. The nerves that help to take the smell, touch, and vision are coming out from the Central Nervous System. So, the Central Nervous System gets the response from those organs & provides them with necessary commands by decoding the messages. Helps In Reflex Action: The Central Nervous System helps to regulate the reflex action of the body. The reflex action is controlled by the spinal cord in the body. It is the sudden action of the body by which the body can do any spontaneous task. If the body is feeling hot from the fire, then the body will promptly remove the hand from the fire. This is the reflex action controlled by the spinal cord. Controlling Of Emotion: The brain in the Central Nervous System helps to control several emotions in the body. Like, laughter, sadness, and sorrow & many other emotions are controlled by the Central Nervous System. Along with that, the Central Nervous System is used to memorize things. The brain helps a lot in this case. Also, some other emotions like hunger and thirst are controlled by the brain under Central Nervous System....

FAQs on Central Nervous System

Question 1: What is Central Nervous System?...