Important Data Regarding Genetically Modified Crops In India

The cotton production of India increased from 175 lakh bales to 390 lakh bales in 2013-14 with the help of Bt Cotton production. The yield of cotton has increased from 191 kg per hectare in 2002-03 to 436 kg per hectare in 2019-20. The area used for Bt Cotton cultivation has increased from less than 1% in 2002-03 to almost 94% in 2019-20.

Growth of Genetically Modified Crops

Genetically Modified Crops

Genetically Modified (GM) Crops are plants that have had their DNA modified in a way that does not occur naturally. This can be done to improve the crop’s resistance to pests, diseases, or herbicides, or to increase its nutritional value. GM crops are also known as transgenic crops. The first GM crop was a tomato that was engineered to be resistant to a virus in 1982. Since then, many other GM crops have been developed, including corn, soybeans, cotton, and canola. GM crops are now grown in over 25 countries around the world.

Table of Content

  • What are Genetically Modified Crops?
  • Genetically Modified Crops Examples
  • Genetically Modified Crops in India
  • India’s Position on Genetically Modified Crop Production
  • Important Data Regarding Genetically Modified Crops In India
  • Advantages of Genetically Modified Crops
  • Disadvantages of Genetically Modified Crops
  • Benefits of Genetically Modified Crops
  • Risks of Genetically Modified Crops

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India’s Position on Genetically Modified Crop Production

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Important Data Regarding Genetically Modified Crops In India

The cotton production of India increased from 175 lakh bales to 390 lakh bales in 2013-14 with the help of Bt Cotton production. The yield of cotton has increased from 191 kg per hectare in 2002-03 to 436 kg per hectare in 2019-20. The area used for Bt Cotton cultivation has increased from less than 1% in 2002-03 to almost 94% in 2019-20....

Advantages of Genetically Modified Crops

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Disadvantages of Genetically Modified Crops

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Risks of Genetically Modified Crops

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Conclusion – Genetically Modified Crops

In conclusion, Genetically Modified (GM) crops have been adopted by farmers around the world and have had a significant impact on agriculture. GM crops have been shown to increase crop yields, reduce pesticide use, and improve farmer profits. They have also been shown to be safe for human consumption and the environment. Overall, GM crops have several benefits and challenges. They can help to increase crop yields, reduce pesticide use, and improve farmer profits. However, they can also be expensive to develop and controversial. It is important to weigh the benefits and challenges of GM crops before making a decision about whether or not to use them....

FAQs on Genetically Modified Crops

What are genetically modified (GM) crops?...