Important Terms of Proportional Integral Derivative Controller

Here is an explanation of the three terms :

1. Proportional Action

  • Role: The P term responds to the current error by generating a control action proportional to the error magnitude.
  • Effect: It provides immediate corrective action to reduce the error. A higher Proportional value results in a stronger and quicker response but may lead to overshoot and oscillations.

2. Integral Action

  • Role : The I term or Integral term actuates the past error over time and generates a control action to eliminate the accumulated steady-state error.
  • Effect : It ensures that even small errors are eventually corrected. It eliminates offset but can lead to sluggish responses and overshooting if too aggressive.

3. Derivative Action

  • Role : The D term predicts the future error trend by the rate of change of the error.
  • Effect : It adds a dumping effect, reducing oscillation and overshooting caused by rapid changes in error.

Proportional Integral Derivative Controller in Control System

A proportional Integral Derivative controller also called a PID controller, is a widely used feedback control mechanism in industrial automation. It aims to regulate a process variable by adjusting a manipulated variable based on the error between the set point and the actual process variable.

Table of Content

  • What is a Proportional Integral Derivative Controller?
  • Mathematical Expression of PID Controller
  • Block Diagram of PID controller
  • Working of PID controller
  • Tuning of PID controller
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of PID controller

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PID controller is known as an instrument that can regulate different process such as flow, temperature, speed, pressure etc. It maintain zero error in the output although their are some issue with tuning and other complexities. inspite of all these PID controller is a workhorse in modern automatic control system....