Important Terms Related to Feudal Privilege

Feudalism: A political and social system in which land is granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and military service.

Lord: A person who owns the land and has vassals who owe them loyalty and military service.

Vassal: A person who is granted land by a lord in exchange for loyalty and military service.

Serf: A person who is bound to the land they work and is considered the property of their lord.

Privilege: A right, immunity, or exemption granted to a certain group of individuals in a society.

Fief: Land that is granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and military service.

Knight: A warrior in medieval Europe who served as a vassal to a lord and provided military service in exchange for a fief.

Manor: A large estate or piece of land owned by a lord and worked by serfs and other labourers.

Hierarchy: A system of social and political organization in which individuals or groups are ranked according to their status or authority.

These terms are all related to feudal privilege and are important for understanding the social and political structures of medieval Europe.

What is Meant by Feudal Privileges?

Feudal privilege refers to the rights, advantages, and exemptions granted to a certain group of individuals in a feudal society. In medieval Europe, feudalism was the dominant social and economic system in which land was owned by lords and worked by serfs, and privileges were granted by the lords to their vassals in exchange for their loyalty and military service.

Feudal Privilege

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