India’s NPP 2000 Evolution

  • Bhore Committee: The Health Survey and Development board of trustees under Sir Joseph Bhore suggested ‘purposeful restriction of the family’ as an action to control the populace development. This board of trustees was set up in 1943 and presented its report in 1946.
  • Radha Kamal Mukherjee Committee (1940): In 1940, the Indian National Congress selected a Committee headed by a social researcher Radha Kamal Mukherjee. A populace strategy board of trustees was laid out in 1952. Be that as it may, the approaches outlined in the mid-fifties were generally erratic and thus not fruitful.
  • In 1956, a Central Family Planning Board was set up and its emphasis was on cleansing. In 1976, GOI declared the primary National Population Policy.
  • In 1977, after the Emergency finished, the new government disposed of the utilization of power in family arranging, and the family arranging program was renamed the family government assistance program.
  • The National Health Policy was taken on in 1983 which stressed ‘getting the little family standard through willful endeavors and moving towards the objective of populace adjustment’.
  • A Committee on Population was selected in 1991 which presented its report in 1993 in which it suggested the formu­lation of a National Population Policy to take a drawn out comprehensive perspective on improvement, populace development,
  • Likewise, an Expert Group headed by Dr. MS Swaminathan was set up to make the draft public populace strategy. The National Population Policy last came into force in 2000.

National Population Policy

National Population Policy, also known as NPP,2000 is the central government’s second policy on population. The main and foremost objective of NPP is to address the unmet needs related to contraception, healthcare, and health personnel and also provide integrated service delivery like reproduction and childcare.

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India’s NPP 2000 Evolution

Bhore Committee: The Health Survey and Development board of trustees under Sir Joseph Bhore suggested ‘purposeful restriction of the family’ as an action to control the populace development. This board of trustees was set up in 1943 and presented its report in 1946. Radha Kamal Mukherjee Committee (1940): In 1940, the Indian National Congress selected a Committee headed by a social researcher Radha Kamal Mukherjee. A populace strategy board of trustees was laid out in 1952. Be that as it may, the approaches outlined in the mid-fifties were generally erratic and thus not fruitful. In 1956, a Central Family Planning Board was set up and its emphasis was on cleansing. In 1976, GOI declared the primary National Population Policy. In 1977, after the Emergency finished, the new government disposed of the utilization of power in family arranging, and the family arranging program was renamed the family government assistance program. The National Health Policy was taken on in 1983 which stressed ‘getting the little family standard through willful endeavors and moving towards the objective of populace adjustment’. A Committee on Population was selected in 1991 which presented its report in 1993 in which it suggested the formu­lation of a National Population Policy to take a drawn out comprehensive perspective on improvement, populace development, Likewise, an Expert Group headed by Dr. MS Swaminathan was set up to make the draft public populace strategy. The National Population Policy last came into force in 2000....

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