Inequalities Symbols

The inequalities symbols used in Algebra are tabulated below:






Equal to

Indicates correspondence between two expressions.

5 + 5 = 10 Here ,The equal sign denotes that the sum of 5 and 5 is equal to 10

Not equal to

Demonstrates inequality.

5 ≠ 3

The not equal to sign indicates that 5 is not equal to 3


Less than

This less than symbol (<) is a principal mathematical symbol used to denote that one amount is smaller than another.

12 < 15

Solution : True, Because 12 is less than of 15


Greater than

This Greater than symbol (>) is a principal mathematical symbol used to denote that one amount is Greater than another

15 > 5

Solution : True, Because 15 s greater than of 5

Less than or equal To

This ( ≤ ) symbol represent to less than or equal to. This is used to express that one value is less than or equal to another.

x ≤ 5

Here x is less than or equal to 5

Greater than or Equal To

This ( ≥ ) symbol represents to Greater than or equal To. This is used to express that one value is greater than or equal to another.

x ≥ 6

Here x is greater than or equal to 6

Much less than

Value on left side of the symbol is much less than value on right side

1 ≪ 100

It means 1 is much less than 100

Much greater than

Value on left side of the symbol is much greater than value on right side

1 ≫ 100

it means 1 is much greater than 100

Must Read

Algebra Symbols

Algebra Symbols are specific characters that are used to represent particular operations in Algebra. The branch of Algebra deals with the relation between variables and constants. There are different branches of Algebra such as linear algebra, vector algebra, and Boolean algebra for which we have different algebra symbols.

In this article, we will learn how to represent variables and constants in algebra and also different symbols

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