
The lack of ability to produce children after unprotected sexual contact for at least two years of sexual cohabitation is called infertility. The reason behind this can be physical, congenital, diseases, drugs, immunological or psychological. Specialized healthcare units called infertility clinics could help in the diagnosis and corrective treatment of some of these disorders and if that’s not possible then with the help of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) they can have children.

  • 1. Test tube baby program: It is the process of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) where the male and female’s gametes are fertilized outside the body in a laboratory setup to form an embryo. Then embryo transfer (ET) is done in the uterus of the parental female or another surrogate female either in two ways;
    • Zygote Intra Fallopian Transfer (ZIFT): Where the embryo of 8 blastomeres stage is transferred inside the fallopian tube.
    •  Intra Uterine Transfer (IUT): When the embryo of more than 8 blastomeres stage is transferred inside the uterus.
  • 2. Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT): In this method, an ovum taken from a donor female is transferred to the fallopian tube of another recipient woman who is incapable of producing a functional gamete but can provide a suitable environment for fertilization and further development.
  • 3. Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI): In this method, the sperm is directly injected into the cytoplasm of the ovum for successful fertilization. Then the embryo is transferred to the female either by ZIFT or IUT.
  • 4. Artificial Insemination (AI): In this method sperm collected from a husband (having low sperm count) or a healthy donor is injected into the uterus (Intra Uterine Insemination IUI) or the vagina of the female.

Notes on NCERT for Class 12 Biology Chapter 3 Reproductive Health

Notes on NCERT for Class 12 Biology Chapter 3 Reproductive Health: Reproductive health simply means people in a society living with physically and functionally normal reproductive organs and normal behavioral and emotional responses toward sex-related matters. According to WHO “reproductive health means a total well-being in all aspects of reproduction, i.e., physical, emotional, behavioral and social”.

NCERT Biology Notes for Class 12 Chapter 3 Reproductive Health: Biology Reproductive health means the overall well-being and functioning of the reproductive system, also the ability to reproduce, and have a satisfying and safe sexual life. It encompasses a wide range of physical, emotional, and social aspects that are essential for individuals to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

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The lack of ability to produce children after unprotected sexual contact for at least two years of sexual cohabitation is called infertility. The reason behind this can be physical, congenital, diseases, drugs, immunological or psychological. Specialized healthcare units called infertility clinics could help in the diagnosis and corrective treatment of some of these disorders and if that’s not possible then with the help of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) they can have children....

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