Inplace Operators in Python

Below are some of the important Inplace operators in Python:

  • iadd()
  • isub()
  • iconcat()
  • imul()
  • itruediv()
  • imod()

iadd() in Python

This function is used to assign and add the current value. This operation does “a+=b” operation. Assigning is not performed in case of immutable containers, such as strings, numbers, and tuples.


# importing operator to handle operator operations
import operator
# using iadd() to add and assign value
x = operator.iadd(2, 3);
# printing the modified value
print ("The value after adding and assigning : ", end="")
print (x)


The value after adding and assigning : 5

Python iconcat()

This function is used to concat one string at end of second. In the below example, we have used iconcat() function.


# importing operator to handle operator operations
import operator
# initializing values
y = "geeks"
z = "forgeeks"
# using iconcat() to concat the sequences
y = operator.iconcat(y, z)
# using iconcat() to concat sequences
print ("The string after concatenation is : ", end="")
print (y)


The string after concatenation is : w3wiki

isub() in Python

This function is used to assign and subtract the current value. This operation does “a-=b” operation. Assigning is not performed in case of immutable containers, such as strings, numbers and tuples.


# importing operator to handle operator operations
import operator
# using isub() to subtract and assign value
x = operator.isub(2, 3);
# printing the modified value
print ("The value after subtracting and assigning : ", end="")
print (x)


The value after subtracting and assigning : -1

Inplace Operator – imul()

This function is used to assign and multiply the current value. This operation does “a*=b” operation. Assigning is not performed in case of immutable containers, such as strings, numbers and tuples.


# importing operator to handle operator operations
import operator
# using imul() to multiply and assign value
x = operator.imul(2, 3);
# printing the modified value
print ("The value after multiplying and assigning : ", end="")
print (x)


The value after multiplying and assigning : 6

Python itruediv()

This function is used to assign and divide the current value. This operation does “a/=b” operation. Assigning is not performed in case of immutable containers, such as strings, numbers and tuples.


# importing operator to handle operator operations
import operator
# using itruediv() to divide and assign value
x = operator.itruediv(10, 5);
# printing the modified value
print("The value after dividing and assigning : ", end="")


The value after dividing and assigning : 2.0

Inplace Operator – imod()

This function is used to assign and return remainder . This operation does “a%=b” operation. Assigning is not performed in case of immutable containers, such as strings, numbers and tuples.


# importing operator to handle operator operations
import operator
# using imod() to modulus and assign value
x = operator.imod(10, 6);
# printing the modified value
print ("The value after modulus and assigning : ", end="")
print (x)


The value after modulus and assigning : 4

Related Articles

Inplace Operators in Python | Set 1 (iadd(), isub(), iconcat()…)

Python in its definition provides methods to perform inplace operations, i.e. doing assignments and computations in a single statement using an operator module.


x += y is equivalent to x = operator.iadd(x, y) 

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