input() Function in Python Examples

Taking input in Python

In this example, we are using the Python input() function to input user data as a string in Python, which takes input from the user and prints it.


# Taking input from the user
string = input()
# Output



User Input in Python

In this example, we are taking input from the user and input user data as a string in Python with a prompt and printing it.


# Taking input from the user
name = input("Enter your name")
# Output
print("Hello", name)


Enter your name:ankit rai
Hello ankit rai

Convert User Input to a Number

In this example, we are using the Python input() function which takes input from the user in string format converting it into an integer adding 1 to the integer, and printing it.


# Taking input from the user as integer
num = int(input("Enter a number:"))
add = num + 1
# Output


Enter a number:15

Take float input in Python

In this example, we are using the Python input() function which takes input from the user in string format converts it into float adds 1 to the float, and prints it.


# Taking input from the user as float
num =float(input("Enter number "))
add = num + 1
# output


Enter number 5

Python Accept List as a input From User

In this example, we are taking input from the user in string format converting it into a list, and printing it.


# Taking input from the user as list
li =list(input("Enter number "))
# output


Enter number 12345
['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']

Take User Input for Tuples and Sets

In this example, we are taking input from the user in string format converting it into a tuple, and printing it.


# Taking input from the user as tuple
num =tuple(input("Enter number "))
# output


Enter number 123
('1', '2', '3')

Input with a dictionary comprehension

In this example, we are taking the words separated by space to input user data as a string in Python, and we make a dictionary of the word as the key with their length as the value.


words_str = input("Enter a list of words, separated by spaces: ")
words = {word: len(word) for word in words_str.split()}


Enter a list of words, separated by spaces: geeks for geeks
{'geeks': 5, 'for': 3}

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Python 3 – input() function

In Python, we use the input() function to take input from the user. Whatever you enter as input, the input function converts it into a string. If you enter an integer value still input() function converts it into a string.

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input() Function in Python Examples
