INSERT Statement in SQL Server

The Insert statement is a command of the Data Manipulation Language (DML) of DBMS. After the creation of the table, we use this INSERT statement to insert the rows in the table. In this article let us see the ways to insert the rows into the table.
If we want to insert all the columns of the table in the form of the row with the ‘, ‘ separator we need not explicitly mention all the column names by default all the columns will be considered.


 INSERT INTO tableName
VALUES (row1),

Explanation: The values in the rows should be comma-separated.

If we want to insert only particular columns of the table in the form of rows ‘ , ‘ separated then we need to explicitly mention the column names of the column with ‘ , ‘ separated that we want to add to the table.

SQL Server INSERT Multiple Rows

SQL Server is a relational Database Management System(RDBMS). It offers various features for creating, and managing databases with its efficient tools. It can handle both small-scale and large-scale industry database applications.

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