Inspired by nationalist feeling

The Gandhian movement inspired nationalist feelings among the people. During the time of the non-cooperation movement, people boycotted schools and colleges and represented the interests of the nation. It united people from all sections to fight for India’s Independence. He led a non-violent civil disobedience movement against the Britisher’s injustice meted at the Indians. The active participation of the people inculcated nationalist feelings among the people.

Role of Mahatma Gandhi in National Movement

The advent of Mahatma Gandhi was an indelible landmark in the history of the national movement. He energized the national movement by resurrecting the dormant ideology of Truthfulness and Non Violence and compelled the British to leave the country at their earliest.

Table of Content

  • Birth of ideology of Non-Violence, Satyagraha
  • Gandhi and his Mass Movement
  • Aroused Self Confidence of the people
  • Inspired by nationalist feeling
  • Hindu Muslim unity
  • Involvement of different groups of people

Mahatma Gandhi, a reformist of the 19th century, transformed the nature of the national movement by its thoughts, workings, and movement. Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from South Africa in 1915. Before his arrival, the national movement had a different nature, but after 1915, the movement took on a mass movement.

Gandhi was born at Porbandar in Gujarat on 2nd Oct 1869. At the age of 18, he went to England and qualified for the bar. He learned the first lesson of truth and non-violence from Rajchandra Ravjibhai. He went to South Africa in connection with the professional work of his friend. In South Africa, he put into practice the weapon of satyagraha against racism and exploitation of people of color under colonial power. He also developed the self-confidence to lead a struggle. In 1915, he returned to India after winning a great name. Gandhi entered into the political field of India with the satyagraha in Champaran in Bihar in 1917.

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