Installation of cloc

Now let’s see how we can install the cloc on different operating systems. Use one of the following commands according to your operating system:

For Debian, Ubuntu:

sudo apt install cloc          

For Red Hat, Fedora:

sudo yum install cloc            

Fedora 22 or later:

sudo dnf install cloc            

For Arch:

sudo pacman -S cloc              

For Gentoo :

sudo emerge -av dev-util/cloc    

For  Alpine Linux

sudo apk add cloc                

For OpenBSD

doas pkg_add cloc                

For  FreeBSD:

sudo pkg install cloc            

For macOS with MacPorts:

sudo port install cloc           

For  macOS with Homebrew:

brew install cloc                

For  Windows with Chocolatey:

choco install cloc               

For Windows with Scoop:

scoop install cloc               

To install the cloc using npm use the following command:

npm install -g cloc              

Now we have installed the cloc on the system. Let’s see how to use the cloc. The general syntax of using cloc is as follows

cloc [options] <FILE|DIR> ...

Now let’s see understand by one example. We have one source file written in CPP and contains the following code:

// hello.C
#include <iostream>
int main ()
std::cout << "hello" << std::endl;  // comment 1
std::cout << "again" << std::endl;  /* comment
2 */

Now let’s use the cloc to count the line

As we can see, the cloc has correctly counted the comments and code lines.

CLOC – Count number of lines of code in file

cloc is a command-line-based tool. It counts the blank lines, comment lines, actual code lines written in many programming languages. cloc is completely written in the Perl language, and it has no external dependencies. cloc can run on many operating systems like Linux, macOS, Windows, OpenBSD and many more.

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