Installation of Dart

You can install Dart SDK from their Official website or download the Dart installer from this site. As it is not enough to Download and Install Dart, it is all because every OS is different from others so we need to check how to install Dart in Windows, Linux, and macOS all differently.

To check how to install Dart SDK file in your operating system refer to our Dart SDK Installation.

Hello World Program in Dart Programming Language

In dart main() function is a predefined method and acts as the entry point to the application. A dart script needs the main() method for execution of the code. The program code goes like this: 

main() {
  print("Hello World! Hello Dart");


Hello World! Hello Dart

Console Output:

The print() command is predefined function that prints the specific string or value to the standard input.

Explaination of Hello World Program in Dart

The Explaination of the Program is mentioned below:

  • main(): it is the symbol of main function that means the data entered in it is directly executed by compiler.
  • print(“Hello World!”) : the role of print function is quite simple it just prints the data during the compilation of a program.

Points to be known while compilation:

  • The dart program can also be compile through terminal by executing the code dart file_name.dart

To Learn more about Dart Programming take a peek at Dart Programming Language Tutorial.

IDE to Execute Dart Programs

IDE or Integrated Development Enviornment provides the efficiency in developing software code efficiently. There are few major IDE used for Dart Programming. The IDEs which support Dart are WebStorm, Intellij, Eclipse, etc. Among them WebStorm from Jetbrains is available for Mac OS, Windows and Linux.

Note : Apart from IDE(in your PC) you can use online compiler. The online compiler which support Dart is Dart Pad.

Introduction to Dart Programming Language

Dart is an open-source programming language originally developed by Google. It is meant for both the server side as well as the user side. The Dart SDK comes with its compiler – the Dart VM and a utility dart2js which is meant for generating the Javascript equivalent of a Dart Script so that it can be run on those sites also which don’t support Dart. 

Note: Dart is an Object-oriented language and is quite similar to that of Java Programming. Dart is extensively used to create single-page websites and web applications. The Best example of a dart application is Gmail.

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