Installation Of Scala-Maven Plugin In Eclipse

Follow the below steps:

Downloading & Installing Scala-Maven Plugin In Eclipse

Step 1: At first, users need to open the Eclipse IDE. Then at the top of the screen, users will find an option called Help. Users need to click on that. Then, users will find some more options. Among them, users need to click on the Install New Software option


Step 2: Now, a new window will open. Users need to click on the Add button there. This is the process to add anything new library or plugin to the Eclipse IDE. Users need to click on that


Step 3: Now, a new small window will open there. Users need to provide the name of the Plugin. After providing the name, users need to provide a link there. This is the link from where the Plugin will be downloaded. The necessary link is provided below. Users can copy the link & paste it there. Users will get an OK message in that window. This means the link is a valid one. After that, users need to click on Add.



Step 4: Now, users will get the Plugin information in the next window. Users need to click on the Next button to move ahead. There is no need to make any other changes.


Step 5: There will be an agreement available. Users need to click on the Agree button for the terms. And then, users need to click on the finish button. Users have done their job in this part

Disclaimer: It is always advisable to go through every Terms & Conditions in all fields. In this case, also, it is requested to go through the entire Agreement provided there. If users find it clear, then only love ahead. Otherwise, users can quit by pressing the Cancel button provided there.


Step 6: Now, the installation process will start. It will take a few minutes to complete the process. Users need to have patience till the process is completed. After completion, the window will close.


Creating Maven-Scala Project

Step 1: Now, as the plugin is successfully installed on the machine, users need to create the Maven-Scala Project. For that, on the home screen of the Eclipse IDE, there will be a File button provided. Users need to click on that. There will be some more options provided. Users need to click on the New option. After that, it will show up some more options. Users need to click on the Simple Project option.

Note: Users are requested not to click on the Java Project option. This will lead to an error in the project creation process.


Step 2: Now, in the new window, users will find a new folder, named Maven. Users need to click on it to expand. In that folder. one option will be Maven Project. Users need to click on that. Then users need to press the Next button


Step 3: Now, users need to mark the Checkbox provided in the new window. This will make a shortcut route to create projects. This will shorten the entire process of the project creation. Then users need to click on the Next button


Step 4: Now, in the Next window, users are requested to provide two names there. One will be the Group Id & the will be the Artifact ID. Users can provide any name there. Then users need to click on the Finish button


Step 5: The Maven project will be created for the Eclipse IDE. Now, there is a need to add Scala Libraries there. As the plugin is already installed, it is very easy now. Under the created project, there will be an SRC folder. Users need to expand the folder. In that folder, the Target folder will be present. Users need to Right-Click on the Target folder. It will show up with some more options. There will be an option called Build Path. Users need to click on that to get more options. Then users need to click on the Configure Build Path option.


Step 6: Now, a new window will open. Users will find the Scala library option under the Library tab provided there. Users need to click on the Scala Library & then click OK.


Step 7: It will take some time to add the Scala library to the Maven project. After the process completes, users can see the Scala folder will be present under the Target folder.


Hence, we have successfully installed the Scala-Maven plugin in Eclipse IDE.

How to Install Scala Maven Plugin in Eclipse?

Scala is the programming language that is highly used as it is the most convenient programming language. Every programming language belongs to some category. Depending upon their nature, some categories were formed. Scala belongs to the high-level programming language category. Every programming language can be categorized into two groups. One is the Object-Oriented Programming Language group. And another is the Traditional Programming Language group. C++ Programming Language, Java Programming Language, belongs to the Object-Oriented Programming Language group. The C programming language can be considered as the Traditional Programming Language. Scala is the programming language that can be used for both the programming language purpose. There is a thought that the Scala programming language is developed in the replacement of the Java programming language. But still, now, Java programming language has its hold in the market.

For developing any project, there is a need to have some other types of tools. The automation tool is one of the major important tools for developing any software project. Maven belongs to this category. Maven is an automation tool used mainly in Java projects. But with time, it has increased its limit. Now, the Maven can be used for Scala, C#, Ruby, etc. programming languages. But there is a need for Java libraries. Without the help of the Java library, the Maven project can’t work with any other programming language. Maven is used for the auto-upgrade process. Sometimes the tools that are used in any project might be expired. And a new version of that project is available in the market. So, if users enable Maven into that project, it will auto-update the tools with time. Users need to provide the right dependency of that tool in the Maven Dependency List. For all of these reasons, the Maven is now highly used with all types of possible projects.

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Installation Of Scala-Maven Plugin In Eclipse

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