Installation of Waybulk tool in Kali Linux

Step 1: Firstly, open the Linux terminal, from where we will install the Waybulk tool and use it for getting the list of domains.

cd Desktop


Step 2: You are on Desktop, now create a new directory called waybulk using the following command. Once the directory has been created, we will navigate into it and install the tool here.

mkdir waybulk


Step 3: Now switch to waybulk directory using the following command.

cd waybulk/


Step 4: You have to install the basic requirement (requests package) which is used by this tool. Use the below command to install.

pip3 install requests


Step 5: After configuring the Python packages, the next task is to install the waybulk tool. We will download the Waybulk tool package from Github.

git clone


Step 6: After executing the above command, the tool will be downloaded in waybulk directory which we have created in Step 2. Now to see the contents of the directory, we will execute the ls command, that is used to view the contents of a directory.



Step 7: There is a new directory created named waybulk. So we have to navigate to that directory, where there will be the executable file. So we will run the below command, to navigate to the waybulk directory.

cd waybulk/


Step 8: After navigating to waybulk directory, we will list out all the files present in the directory and run the executable file for usage.



Waybulk – Search A List Of Domains On The Wayback Machine

Approaching the target is an essential aspect of the phase of reconnaissance. Gathering more information about the target domain can ease the attack strategy to be used. Gathering the Archive data of the domain can also help in approaching the target. So Web Crawling is the aspect that processes the index data on web-based applications’ web pages by using automated scripts or crawling programs. Waybulk is an automated python script used to crawl the target domain and gather the information from Wayback Machine Archive. Waybulk fetches known URL from Wayback Machines, also known as Archives for *.victimdomain, and output it on the terminal itself. Automation reduces the manual work of searching the domains on the website of Wayback Machine, so in a way, a bulk tool running an automated script by providing the target domain URL will crawl everything in a single click.

Note: Waybulk tool is developed in Python Environment, so make sure to set up Python on your Linux system.

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