Integrate GraphQL with FastAPI

We will delve into the process of integrating GraphQL with FastAPI.

Step 1: Create virtual environment

python -m venv venv

After this, ‘venv’ folder will be created. To activate the venv environment use the command.


Step 2: Install the required libraries

pip install fastapi strawberry-graphql uvicorn

Step 3: Create a file “”

In this example This code sets up a FastAPI application with a simple GraphQL endpoint using the Ariadne library. It defines a GraphQL query type for a “book” with title and author fields, provides a resolver function to return static data for the “book” query, and creates a FastAPI app with a mounted GraphQL route. The server runs on `` using Uvicorn when executed.


from fastapi import FastAPI
from ariadne import QueryType, gql, make_executable_schema
from ariadne.asgi import GraphQL
# Define a GraphQL query type
query = QueryType()
# Define a resolver for the "book" query
def resolve_book(*_):
    return {"title": "GraphQL Tutorial", "author": "GFG"}
# Define the GraphQL schema using the gql function
type_defs = gql("""
    type Book {
        title: String
        author: String
    type Query {
        book: Book
# Create the executable GraphQL schema
schema = make_executable_schema(type_defs, query)
# Create a FastAPI app
app = FastAPI()
# Create a GraphQL app using the Ariadne schema
graphql_app = GraphQL(schema, debug=True)
# Mount the GraphQL app on the "/graphql" route
app.mount("/graphql", graphql_app)
# Run the FastAPI app
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn, host="", port=8000)

Step 4: Run the server

uvicorn main:app --reload

Step 5: Test Queries in GraphQL Playground:

In the GraphQL Playground, you can experiment with and test your GraphQL queries against the specified schema. For instance, you can attempt the following query. Upon clicking the run button, you should receive a response containing the user data. With this setup, Strawberry is a component of the FastAPI application, and you interact with the GraphQL endpoint via the “/graphql” FastAPI route.

Multiple Records With GraphQL

In this example below code sets up a GraphQL API using FastAPI and Strawberry. It defines two types, “User” and “Query,” with the latter providing a “users” field returning a list of User objects. The GraphQL schema is created with Strawberry, and the GraphQL app is mounted onto a FastAPI instance accessible at the “/graphql” endpoint. Users can query and retrieve a list of users with names and ages through this endpoint.


from fastapi import FastAPI
from ariadne import QueryType, gql, make_executable_schema
from ariadne.asgi import GraphQL
# Define a GraphQL query type
query = QueryType()
# Define a resolver for the "books" query
def resolve_books(*_):
    return [
        {"title": "Book 1", "author": "Author 1"},
        {"title": "Book 2", "author": "Author 2"},
        {"title": "Book 3", "author": "Author 3"},
# Define the GraphQL schema using the gql function
type_defs = gql("""
    type Book {
        title: String
        author: String
    type Query {
        books: [Book]
# Create the executable GraphQL schema
schema = make_executable_schema(type_defs, query)
# Create a FastAPI app
app = FastAPI()
# Create a GraphQL app using the Ariadne schema
graphql_app = GraphQL(schema, debug=True)
# Mount the GraphQL app on the "/graphql" route
app.mount("/graphql", graphql_app)
# Run the FastAPI app
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn, host="", port=8000)

Run the Server

uvicorn main:app --reload

Click on the run button, you should receive a response with all the users data:

Use of GraphQL with FastAPI

  • Flexibility: One of the key advantages of using GraphQL with FastAPI is its flexibility. Clients can request only the specific data they need, minimizing unnecessary data transfer and improving overall performance.
  • Type Safety: FastAPI, integrated with Strawberry, leverages Python type hints for automatic schema generation in GraphQL. This ensures that your API is type safe, reducing the likelihood of runtime errors and enhancing code reliability.
  • Expressiveness: GraphQL queries are highly expressive and self-documenting, simplifying the process for developers to comprehend and interact with your API. This clarity enhances the developer experience and facilitates seamless integration.
  • Efficiency: GraphQL’s efficient data fetching mechanism significantly reduces the number of requests necessary to retrieve complex data structures. This results in more streamlined and optimized data retrieval, contributing to improved efficiency in data fetching processes.


In conclusion, leveraging the Strawberry library to integrate GraphQL with FastAPI offers a robust solution for developing APIs that are both efficient and user-friendly. The speed of FastAPI, coupled with the flexibility of GraphQL, makes this combination an attractive choice for contemporary API development. The synergy between FastAPI and GraphQL ensures a smooth and productive development experience, whether you are constructing microservices or large-scale applications.

FastAPI – Using GraphQL

FastAPI and GraphQL have become prominent players in the realm of API development, each bringing its unique set of advantages to the table. GraphQL, initially created by Facebook, distinguishes itself with its efficiency and flexibility in data retrieval. In contrast to traditional REST APIs, GraphQL empowers clients to dictate the shape and depth of the data they need, leading to more efficient data retrieval processes.

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