Integrated Essay Time Breakdown

10 Simple Tips for Writing TOEFL Essay in 2024

The TOEFL iBT test is a good way to show you know English well enough for university. The test has four parts: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. It takes about three hours to finish. The last part, the writing section, has two essays: one independent and one integrated.

The integrated essay lasts 20 minutes and is based on a reading and a listening passage, similar to a typical school setting. You need to remember what you heard and explain the ideas in your own words without copying. In this article, we will give you some constructive tips to improve your TOEFL iBT writing skills.

How to write a good TOEFL essay?

Table of Content

  • 10 Amazing TOEFL 2024 Essay Writing Tips
  • Tips for Writing a Good TOEFL Essay
    • Create an Essay Plan
    • Know What the Examiner Wants
    • Give Yourself a Word Limit
    • Stick to the Prompt
    • Keep on Practising your Writing
    • Use Effective Paragraph Structure
    • Use Specific Examples
    • Use Varied Sentence Structure
    • Use Academic Vocabulary
    • Use Correct Grammar and Punctuation
  • Integrated Writing Task
  • Transition Words and Phrases
  • Integrated Essay Time Breakdown

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