Integration of Load Balancer and API Gateway

Below is how we can use Load Balancer and API Gateway in our system:

  1. Initial Request:
    1. A client sends a request to access your application’s API. This request is received by the load balancer.
  2. Load Balancer:
    1. The load balancer receives the request and distributes it among multiple instances of the API gateway.
    2. The load balancer uses a load-balancing algorithm (e.g., round-robin, least connections) to determine which instance of the API gateway should handle the request.
    3. If necessary, the load balancer can also perform SSL termination, decrypting HTTPS requests before forwarding them to the API gateway.
  3. API Gateway:
    1. The selected instance of the API gateway receives the request from the load balancer.
    2. The API gateway acts as a reverse proxy, forwarding the request to the appropriate backend service based on the request URL, headers, or other criteria.
    3. The API gateway can perform various functions, such as request and response transformation, authentication, authorization, rate limiting, and caching, before forwarding the request to the backend service.
  4. Backend Service:
    1. The backend service processes the request and generates a response, which is sent back to the API gateway.
  5. API Gateway:
    1. The API gateway receives the response from the backend service and performs any necessary transformations or processing before sending it back to the client.
    2. The API gateway can also cache the response to improve performance for future requests.
  6. Load Balancer:
    1. The API gateway sends the response back to the load balancer, which forwards it to the client.
  7. Client:
    • The client receives the response from the API gateway and processes it accordingly.

By integrating a load balancer and an API gateway in your system, you can achieve a scalable, reliable, and secure architecture for handling API requests from clients. The load balancer distributes traffic among multiple instances of the API gateway, ensuring optimal resource utilization and high availability. The API gateway handles API request processing, security, and management, providing a centralized entry point for accessing your application’s APIs.

Can we use both Load Balancer and API Gateway?

Yes, it is common to use both a load balancer and an API gateway in a distributed system architecture.

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Integration of Load Balancer and API Gateway

Below is how we can use Load Balancer and API Gateway in our system:...