Integration with Different SAP Software and Technology

Numerous SAP applications and technologies, including but not limited to: may be integrated with SAP BW.

  • SAP ERP (corporate Resource Planning): SAP BW offers a holistic picture of corporate data by extracting and integrating data from SAP ERP systems.
  • SAP BusinessObjects BI: Advanced reporting, dashboards, and analytics are made possible by integration with SAP BusinessObjects BI tools.
  • SAP HANA: SAP BW may be combined with the in-memory SAP HANA database to provide quicker analytics and data processing.
  • SAP Data Services: ETL (extraction, transformation, and loading) procedures may be carried out more efficiently with integration with SAP Data Services.

What is SAP Business Warehouse(BW)?

SAP AG is the developer of the enterprise data warehousing technology known as SAP BW, or SAP Business Warehouse. It is a component of the SAP NetWeaver platform and is meant to assist businesses in combining a lot of data from several sources into a single, cohesive picture. Better reporting and decision-making procedures are made possible by this.

SAP Business Warehouse(BW)

Table of Content

  • Versions of SAP BW:
  • Purpose of SAP BW:
  • Integration with Different SAP Software and Technology:
  • Features of SAP BW:
  • How SAP BW Works:
  • Advantages of SAP BW:
  • Conclusion:

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Versions of SAP Business Warehouse(BW):

SAP BW/4HANA 1.0: In November 2016, SAP BW/4HANA 1.0, the first version of the software, was made available. Supporting up to 16 million rows of data, it is built upon the SAP HANA 1.0 database. SAP BW/4HANA 2.0: In February 2019, SAP BW/4HANA 2.0 was introduced, marking the second iteration of the software. With capability for up to 32 million rows of data, it is built on the SAP HANA 2.0 database. Moreover, it adds additional features including streamlined administration, better performance, and increased modeling. SAP BW/4HANA 2021: Released in October 2021, SAP BW/4HANA 2021 is the third iteration of the program. With a maximum data capacity of 64 million rows, it is built on the SAP HANA 2.0 database. The addition of additional object kinds, such text, date, and time fields, improves the modeling possibilities even more. SAP BW/4HANA 2023: Anticipated for delivery in October 2023, SAP BW/4HANA 2023 is the fourth iteration of the software. With a maximum data capacity of 128 million rows, it will be built on the SAP HANA 2.0 database5. New features like better renovation, more security, and easier relocation will also be included....

Purpose of SAP Business Warehouse(BW):

Offering a complete and unified platform for data warehousing and business analytics is SAP BW’s main goal. It enables businesses to:...

Integration with Different SAP Software and Technology:

Numerous SAP applications and technologies, including but not limited to: may be integrated with SAP BW....

Features of SAP Business Warehouse(BW):

Data warehousing is the central administration and archiving of company data. Creating data models for reporting and analysis is known as data modeling. Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) techniques are used in data integration. Multi-Dimensional Data Storage: Data arranged to enable intricate analysis. Data Reporting and Analysis: Offering instruments for report creation and analysis....

How SAP Business Warehouse(BW) Works:

Data Extraction: Extractors are used to retrieve data from source systems, both SAP and non-SAP. Data Transformation: To guarantee quality, extracted data is transformed and cleaned. Data Loading: The SAP BW data warehouse receives transformed data. Data modeling: In order to meet reporting and analytical needs, data is modeled. Reporting and Analysis: Using a variety of tools, users may create reports and carry out analyses....

Advantages of SAP Business Warehouse(BW):

Centralized Data: Accuracy and consistency are guaranteed by a central repository for company data. Advanced Reporting: Robust instruments for producing intricate reports and analyses. Integration: Connectivity with other SAP technologies and solutions. Scalability: The capacity to manage big data sets. Security: Strict security measures to limit access to private information....


Organizations that require help with data warehousing and business intelligence may turn to SAP BW, a complete solution. Its sophisticated features for data modeling and analysis, together with its integration possibilities with other SAP technologies, make it an invaluable tool for enterprises looking to make data-driven choices. Newer versions of SAP BW, including SAP BW/4HANA, keep improving this platform’s features and performance as technology advances....