Interactive Testing

Interactive testing is a technique that involves testing a software application or system by manually interacting with it, rather than using automated test scripts. It typically involves manually executing a series of steps or inputs, observing the resulting outputs or behaviors, and verifying that the expected results are produced.

  • Interactive testing is often used to supplement automated testing, as it allows developers to quickly test specific scenarios or features in a more flexible and intuitive way. 
  • It can be especially useful for testing complex or interactive user interfaces, or for quickly verifying that a change to the code has the desired effect.
  • To perform interactive testing, you will typically need to have access to the application or system under test and be able to manually enter inputs and observe the resulting outputs. 
  • Some tools, such as debuggers, can also provide interactive testing capabilities, allowing you to step through the execution of code and inspect the state of the program at each step.
  • Interactive testing can be time-consuming and error-prone if done manually, so it is often combined with automated testing to provide more comprehensive coverage and to ensure that the application or system is functioning correctly.

Testing Business Networks in Hyperledger Composer

Hyperledger Composer is an open-source toolkit for building blockchain applications on top of Hyperledger Fabric, a permissioned blockchain platform. It is designed to make it easier for developers to build and deploy blockchain applications by providing a set of abstractions, libraries, and tools that can be used to define, deploy, and test business networks.

Some key features of Hyperledger Composer include:

  • Domain-specific language (DSL): DSL is for defining business networks: Hyperledger Composer provides a DSL for defining the elements of a business network, such as assets, participants, and transactions. This allows developers to quickly and easily define the structure and behavior of a business network.
  • Command-line interface (CLI): CLI is for deploying and managing business networks: Hyperledger Composer provides a CLI tool that can be used to deploy business networks to Hyperledger Fabric, as well as to manage and interact with deployed networks.
  • REST server for interacting with business networks: Hyperledger Composer includes a REST server that can be used to expose the APIs of a business network, allowing applications to interact with the network via HTTP requests.
  • Tools for testing and debugging business networks: Hyperledger Composer provides tools and libraries for testing and debugging business networks, including unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing.

Hyperledger Composer is a powerful toolkit for building and deploying blockchain applications on Hyperledger Fabric, and it can help developers quickly and easily create and deploy business networks that meet the needs of their use case.

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