Interesting Facts about Water


Interesting Facts about Water

Chemical Formula

H2O (two hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to one oxygen atom)

Physical State

Naturally exists in all three states: liquid, solid (ice), and gas (vapour)

Boiling Point

100°C (212°F) at 1 atmosphere of pressure

Freezing Point

0°C (32°F) at 1 atmosphere of pressure


Maximum density at 4°C; ice is less dense than liquid water, which is why it floats

Surface Tension

High surface tension due to hydrogen bonding, allowing for phenomena like water striders walking on water surfaces

Solvent Properties

Known as the “universal solvent” as it dissolves more substances than any other liquid

Heat Capacity

High specific heat capacity, which helps regulate Earth’s temperature

pH Level

Pure water has a pH of 7, making it neutral

Polar Molecule

Uneven distribution of electron density makes it a polar molecule, contributing to its solvent properties

Global Distribution

Covers about 71% of Earth’s surface, but less than 3% is freshwater; most of the freshwater is not easily accessible

Water Cycle

Continuous movement through the cycle of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff

Water Resources : An Overview, Facts and Types of Water Resources

Water is like the lifeblood of our planet, always moving and changing form. It’s gentle enough to shape the land slowly but can also be powerful enough to crash against coasts. Water is everywhere, and it’s vital for life. It is necessary to support life on the Earth. That’s why scientists look for the possibility of water on another planet, even to think about living there in the future. Here in this article, you can get to know the complete information about Water Resources: An Overview, Facts and Types of Water Resources.

Water Resources

Table of Content

  • What is water?
  • Interesting Facts about Water
  • Types of Water Resources
  • What is the water cycle?

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