Interpretation of ECG

It includes various steps that are mentioned below:

  1. Patient details
  2. Situation details
  3. Rate
  4. Rhythm
  5. Axis
  6. P-wave and P-R interval
  7. Q-wave and QRS complex
  8. ST segment
  9. QT interval
  10. T-wave

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

Our bodies are primarily made of fluids. Body fluids are crucial for the normal operation of our tissues and perform the crucial tasks of supplying nutrients to live cells and removing toxic toxins created by our systems. Other systems that facilitate these activities have been evolved by other organisms. However, complex creatures like humans need fluids like blood and lymph to carry out the mentioned functions.

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An electrocardiogram is referred to as ECG. It provides a graphic representation of the electrical activity of the heart during a cardiac cycle, allowing us to visualize any anomalies and assess the heart’s functionality. Three electrical leads, one to each wrist and the left ankle, are inserted into the patient to create a conventional ECG graph, which continuously tracks the heart’s activity. Passing through our hearts, the human heart creates an electrical impulse that it then produces on its own....


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Electrocardiograph Process

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Electrodes and Leads

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Interpretation of ECG

It includes various steps that are mentioned below:...

Electrocardiograph Importance

Diagnosing cardiac arrhythmias (abnormal heartbeats) and identifying coronary artery disorders so that treatment can be started right once. It is used to check on individuals with heart conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. It is also capable of identifying myocardial infarctions that have already occurred. It can be used to keep an eye on any medication’s side effects. It can be used to examine the functionality of mechanical implants made into a patient’s heart. It can be used to identify non-cardiac illnesses including hypothermia or pulmonary embolism....

ECG’s Uses in Medicine

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Why is an ECG performed?

If you have any blocked or narrowed arteries in your heart (coronary artery disease), it can be used to determine or detect arrhythmias, which can cause chest pain or a heart attack. To determine whether you’ve already experienced a heart attack or not. To check to see whether the medications are having any negative impacts on our biological systems....

Diagnosed by ECG

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FAQs on Electrocardiogram (ECG)

Question 1: Define ECG....