Introduction to Django Channels and Asynchronous Programming

Channels are the python project which was created to extend the ability of Django to the next level. We were working in standard Django which did not support asynchronous and channels and connection via WebSockets to create real-time applications. Channels extend the ability of Django beyond HTTP and make it work with WebSockets, chat protocols, IoT protocols, and more. It is built on ASGI support which stands for Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface. ASGI is the successor of WSGI which provides an interface between async and python. Channels provide the functionality of ASGI, by extending WSGI to it, and it provides ASGI support with WSGI. Channels also bundle the event-driven architecture with the channel layers, a system that allows you to easily communicate between processes and separate your project into different processes. 

Realtime chat app using Django

Chat Room has been the most basic step toward creating real-time and live projects. The chat page that we will create will be a simple HTML boilerplate with a simple h1 text with the name of the current user and a link to log out to the user who is just logged in. You may need to comment on the line until we create auth system for this. This ensures that when two users are chatting, one can log out and it will not affect the other user. The other will be still logged in and he can send and receive messages. 


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Introduction to Django Channels and Asynchronous Programming

Channels are the python project which was created to extend the ability of Django to the next level. We were working in standard Django which did not support asynchronous and channels and connection via WebSockets to create real-time applications. Channels extend the ability of Django beyond HTTP and make it work with WebSockets, chat protocols, IoT protocols, and more. It is built on ASGI support which stands for Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface. ASGI is the successor of WSGI which provides an interface between async and python. Channels provide the functionality of ASGI, by extending WSGI to it, and it provides ASGI support with WSGI. Channels also bundle the event-driven architecture with the channel layers, a system that allows you to easily communicate between processes and separate your project into different processes....

Steps for creating the chat application

Step 1: Install and setup Django...

Implement the WebSockets, asynchronous, and Django channels

Till now we have set up our standard Django project. After implementing the Django application. Now is the time to create the ASGI application....