Introduction To Elbow Method

A fundamental step for any unsupervised algorithm is to determine the optimal number of clusters into which the data may be clustered. Since we do not have any predefined number of clusters in unsupervised learning. We tend to use some method that can help us decide the best number of clusters.  In the case of K-Means clustering, we use Elbow Method for defining the best number of clustering 

Elbow Method for optimal value of k in KMeans

Prerequisites: K-Means Clustering

In this article, we will discuss how to select the best k (Number of clusters) in the k-Means clustering algorithm.

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Introduction To Elbow Method

A fundamental step for any unsupervised algorithm is to determine the optimal number of clusters into which the data may be clustered. Since we do not have any predefined number of clusters in unsupervised learning. We tend to use some method that can help us decide the best number of clusters.  In the case of K-Means clustering, we use Elbow Method for defining the best number of clustering...

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