Introduction to First-Order Logic

First-order logic (FOL), also known as predicate logic or first-order predicate calculus, extends propositional logic by introducing quantifiers and predicates. It allows for a more expressive representation of knowledge by dealing with objects, properties, and relationships.

The basic components of first-order logic include:

  • Constants: Specific objects in the domain (e.g., Alice, Bob).
  • Variables: Symbols that can represent any object in the domain (e.g., x, y).
  • Predicates: Functions that map objects to truth values (e.g., Likes(Alice, IceCream)).
  • Quantifiers: Symbols that indicate the scope of a statement (e.g., ∀ (forall), ∃ (exists)).
  • Logical Connectives: Same as in propositional logic.


Consider the predicates:

  • Likes(x,y): “x likes y.”

Using quantifiers, we can express statements like [Tex]\forall x \exists y (Likes(x, y))[/Tex] (For every person x, there exists a person y such that x likes y).

Summary Table for First-Order Logic Components

Universal QuantifierFor AllAsserts that a predicate is true for all elements in the domain∀x (P(x))
Existential QuantifierThere ExistsAsserts that there is at least one element in the domain for which the predicate is true∃x (P(x))
PredicateP(x)PredicateA function that returns true or false based on the object(s) it is applied toP(x): “x is a person”
ConjunctionANDTrue if both predicates are trueP(x) ∧ Q(x)
DisjunctionORTrue if at least one of the predicates is trueP(x) ∨ Q(x)
Negation¬NOTTrue if the predicate is false¬P(x)
ImplicationIMPLIESTrue if the first predicate implies the second predicateP(x) → Q(x)
BiconditionalBICONDITIONALTrue if both predicates are either true or falseP(x) ↔ Q(x)

Difference between Propositional and First-Order Logic and How are they used in Knowledge Representation?

In artificial intelligence and computational logic, two fundamental types of logic are widely used for knowledge representation: propositional logic and first-order logic. These logical systems provide the foundation for constructing and manipulating knowledge in a formal and precise manner.

This article explores the key differences between propositional logic and first-order logic, and their respective roles in knowledge representation.

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