Intrusive Volcanic  Landforms

The magma which cools inside the earth’s crust is known as intrusive landforms.

Intrusive Volcanic  Landforms


  • It is cooled magma inside the magma chamber.
  • It is a large magma that forms into a large dome when it cools down in the deeper depth of the crust.
  • After the Denudation process, it appears on the earth’s surface.
  • It forms the core of the high mountain.
  • It is usually granite which forms a massive upland region.


  • It is a large dome-shaped with a level base and is linked by a pipe channel or conduit from below.
  • It is present in deeper depth but above Batholiths. 
  • It is an exposed part of the Batholiths.
  • The Karnataka hill is an example of such kind of Volcanic Landforms.


  • Generally, lava move in an upward direction but a part of lava moves in the horizontal direction when there is weaker space.
  • The horizontal movement of lava develops into different shapes but the formation of a saucer shape, concave to the sky body is known as lopolith.


  • It is wavy intrusive rocks parallel to the bedding plane.
  • It is found at the base of the syncline or the top of the anticline in folded igneous rocks.
  • It is found in lens shape.

Sills and Sheets:

  • Some lava move in the horizontal direction and the horizontal body of intrusive igneous rocks after solidification is known as sills.
  • The thick deposit is known as sills and thinner ones are called sheets.
  • They are not at depth but nearer to the earth’s surface.


  • During volcanic eruption, lava moves in all possible directions in the possible cracks and fissures.
  • The magma which cools in cracks and fissures forms wall-like structures known as Dykes.
  • Dykes which are perpendicular to the earth’s crust, are mostly found in the western Maharashtra region. 
  • Deccan traps form due to the eruption of lava from these feeders.

Volcanic Landforms: Extrusive and Intrusive

Volcanic landforms are natural wonders shaped by the fiery power of volcanoes. They are formed from magma, the molten rock beneath the Earth’s surface, which erupts and cools to create diverse landscapes. They come in two main types: extrusive and intrusive.

Let’s learn about the volcanic landforms in detail, both above and below the Earth’s surface.

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