Is Cube Root of 8 Irrational?

Cube root of 8 is a rational number. For the positive integer 8, its cube root is expressed by writing it as a power of an algebraic expression, this means that cube root(8) = 2×2×2 as (23 = 8). Likewise, 2 is a rational number which can be written as numerical quotient of two integers thus cube root of 8 will also be rational.

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Cube Root of 8

Cube Root of 8 is 2. Cube root of a number is a value that, when multiplied by itself twice (or cubed), results in the original number. 8 can be expressed as 2 × 2 × 2, which indicates that when 2 is multiplied by itself twice gives the product as 8. Therefore, the cube root of 8 = ∛(2 × 2 × 2) = 2.

In this article, we will learn about cube root of 8, methods to calculate the value of cube root 8 and some solved examples based on cube root of 8.

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Is Cube Root of 8 Irrational?

Cube root of 8 is a rational number. For the positive integer 8, its cube root is expressed by writing it as a power of an algebraic expression, this means that cube root(8) = 2×2×2 as (23 = 8). Likewise, 2 is a rational number which can be written as numerical quotient of two integers thus cube root of 8 will also be rational....

Solved Examples on Cube Root of 8

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Practice Questions

Question 1: Calculate the cube root of 8....

Cube Root of 8: FAQs

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