Is Square Root 24 Rational or Irrational?

24 is an irrational square root. We check to see if the integer under the square root sign (the radicand) is a perfect square in order to establish whether a square root is rational or irrational. So, Here 23 ×3 is the prime factorization of 24 and 24 is not a perfect square because there isn’t a repeated prime factor.

Therefore 24 is an irrational number since its square root cannot be written as a simple fraction.

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Square Root of 24

Square root of 24 is 4.8989, The number 24 is produced when you multiply the square root of 24 by itself. Therefore, A square root can have a decimal, whole, or even negative value as its value. Next, we will see some interesting puzzles and see how to find the square root of 24.

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