Issues – 2024 Presidential Election

The issues that will dominate the 2024 presidential election are still taking shape, but some of the key issues are likely to include:


The economy is always a top issue in presidential elections, and it is likely to be especially important in 2024. The U.S. economy is facing a number of challenges, including high inflation, rising interest rates, and a potential recession. The candidates will need to offer clear plans for how they will address these challenges.


Healthcare is another important issue that is likely to be debated in the 2024 presidential election. The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, has been a major source of partisan division, and the candidates will need to articulate their positions on the law.

Climate Change

Climate change is a growing concern for many Americans, and the candidates will need to offer plans for how they will address this issue. The candidates will also need to discuss the role of the federal government in addressing climate change.


Immigration is another divisive issue that is likely to be debated in the 2024 presidential election. The candidates will need to articulate their positions on issues such as border security and immigration reform.

2024 United States Presidential Election – Who is Running for President in 2024

The U.S. pre­sidential election ope­rates through an indirect process. Vote­rs in states and D.C. choose Electoral Colle­ge members who, in turn, dire­ctly elect the Pre­sident and Vice Preside­nt. The candidate with the most electoral votes wins, but Congress decides if no one gets a majority. It’s a crucial event which is held every four years.

The upcoming 2024 US presidential election highlights the fielding of notable candidates from both major political parties. The Democratic Party’s incumbent pre­sident, Joe Biden, se­eks re-elec­tion, while several re­nowned Republicans like Vive­k Ramaswamy, former Florida governor Ron DeSantis, former vice president Mike Pence, and former pre­sident Donald Trump also vie for office. This diverse range of respondents indicates a shifting political landscape in America. As each candidate prioritizes their unique experiences and policy issues during their campaigns, anticipation grows for a fiercely competitive race that will be closely monitored.

This article provides insights into the upcoming 2024 U.S. presidential election. It explains the election process, key candidates from major parties like Joe Biden and Donald Trump, as well as notable third-party candidates like Cornel West.

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