IV. Download YouTube Videos Using Python Script

Here, we are using pytube, a python module, to download a video on youtube.

Step 1: First, download the module using.

pip install pytube

Step 2: Then head on to the location where you want to save the video then open the preferred IDE at that location.

Step 3: Import the module.

import pytube

Step 4: Paste the following command.

pytube.Youtube('<link to the video>').


  • Filter function → To only fetch the file with extension as mp4
  • Order by → arranges the files in order of resolution, with the lowest quality first and the highest quality last
  • Last() → fetches the video with the best quality (for lowest quality → first() )
  • Download() → downloads the fetched video to the location.

## Importing module

import pytube 

pytube.YouTube(‘<link to video>’).streams.filter

(progressive=True, file_extension=’mp4′).order_by


Example 1:

## Importing Module
    import pytube
    progressive=True, file_extension='mp4').


How to Download YouTube Videos ?

Are you looking for a quick and easy way to download videos from YouTube? Downloading videos on YouTube is a great way to watch your favorite content anytime, anywhere, even when you don’t have access to the internet. In this guide, we will show you how to download videos from YouTube in just a few simple steps.

There are numerous methods to download a video on YouTube, depending on what you intend to do with them and how you intend to use them. The scale of YouTube content and viewers are constantly jumping and every day almost 4 Million videos are being uploaded. YouTube has become a large platform that allows users to consume data from almost every category. 

Besides this, there are various other methods for downloading YouTube videos like third-party software, browser extensions, etc. In this article, we will first understand whether it’s legal to download YouTube videos and later will discuss all the possible methods to download YouTube videos.

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No matter whether you have availability of downloading any add-on software or are not willing to visit any particular website for downloading YouTube videos. We’ve summarized a complete list of 5 completely different modules for downloading YouTube videos free in a matter of time. No matter what your quality or size preference is, the above-listed solutions will definitely give it all....