Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 2011 Death Toll

At least 18,500 verified deaths and several unaccounted-for deaths were caused by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami, sometimes referred to as the Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami. An eventual death toll of nearly 20,000 is estimated by some. Most of the deceased were affected by the tsunami.

It was the third-biggest earthquake globally since 1900 and the biggest ever recorded in Japan. Massive destruction resulted from it, including 16,146 fatalities.

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011, commonly known as the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, was a natural disaster that struck on March 11, 2011. It lasted roughly six minutes and had a magnitude of 9.0, the largest earthquake ever recorded in Japan. It caused a tsunami that stormed up to five kilometers inland and reached heights of thirty meters. Massive casualties, environmental destruction, and infrastructure damage were all brought on by the tsunami.

Along a 2,000-kilometer stretch of Japan’s Pacific coast, 561 square kilometers of land were also submerged by the tsunami. The highest wave height, according to a group of researchers, was 38.9 meters.

In this article, we will look into the overview of the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011, its causes, death toll, damage and effects caused by it, and aftermath in detail.

Table of Content

  • Overview of Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011
  • Causes of the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011
  • Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 2011 Death Toll
  • Damage and Effects of Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011
  • Northern Japan’s Nuclear Emergency following Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
  • Aftermath of the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011
  • Relief and Rebuilding Efforts after Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

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Conclusion – Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011

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