Jargon Example in Business

Business Jargon Example
Synergy “By combining our resources, we can create a synergy that will boost our market presence.”
Low-hanging fruit “Let’s first address the low-hanging fruit in our project list to achieve quick wins.”
Bandwidth “I don’t have the bandwidth to take on another task this week due to my current workload.”
Deep dive “We need to do a deep dive into our customer feedback to understand the underlying issues.”
Pain point “Our product development should focus on addressing the main pain points of our target audience.”
Scalability “The scalability of our platform is crucial for handling the increasing number of users.”
Paradigm shift “The industry is undergoing a paradigm shift towards more sustainable practices.”

Definition and Examples of Jargon – Jargon Meaning

Jargon is special words or expressions used by a specific group, mostly in certain professions. It is like a shortcut language for experts but can be confusing for others who are not familiar with it. Jargon makes talking about complex ideas quicker among those who understand it.

Table of Content

  • What is Jargon?
  • Jargon Meaning in English
  • Jargon Synonyms
  • Opposite of Jargon Antonyms
  • Jargon Examples
  • Use of Jargon in Sentence
  • Jargon Example in Workplace
  • Jargon Example in Business
  • Jargon Example in Tech
  • Jargon Example in IT
  • Jargon Example in Marketing
  • Jargon Example in Software Development
  • Jargon Example in Legal
  • Jargon Example in Medical
  • Jargon Example in School
  • Jargon Example in Communication

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Jargon Meaning in English

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Jargon Example in Workplace

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Jargon Example in Business

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Jargon facilitates communication within specific groups, its excessive use can hinder understanding. Finding a balance between technicality and clarity is crucial. Utilizing jargon judiciously ensures effective communication without alienating others. Embracing simplicity alongside occasional jargon usage fosters mutual understanding across diverse audiences and fields....

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