Java Program for Naive Pattern Searching Algorithm

Slide the pattern over text one by one and check for a match. If a match is found, then slide by 1 again to check for subsequent matches.


// Java program for Naive Pattern Searching
public class NaiveSearch {
    static void search(String pat, String txt)
        int l1 = pat.length();
        int l2 = txt.length();
        int i = 0, j = l2 - 1;
        for (i = 0, j = l2 - 1; j < l1;) {
            if (txt.equals(pat.substring(i, j + 1))) {
                System.out.println("Pattern found at index "
                                + i);
    // Driver's code
    public static void main(String args[])
        String pat = "AABAACAADAABAAABAA";
        String txt = "AABA";
        // Function call
        search(pat, txt);
// This code is contributed by D. Vishnu Rahul Varma


Pattern found at index 0
Pattern found at index 9
Pattern found at index 13

Time Complexity: O(N2)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Java Program for Naive algorithm for Pattern Searching

Write a Java program for a given text string with length n and a pattern with length m, the task is to print all occurrences of the pattern in text.
Note: You may assume that n > m.


Input:  text = “THIS IS A TEST TEXT”, pattern = “TEST”
Output: Pattern found at index 10

Input:  text =  “AABAACAADAABAABA”, pattern = “AABA”
Output: Pattern found at index 0, Pattern found at index 9, Pattern found at index 12

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