JavaScript Boolean object

The boolean object in javascript is an object wrapper for boolean values. Booleans in JavaScript can also be defined using the new keyword. 


new Boolean(value)

Below are examples of the JavaScript Boolean method.

Example 1: Below program will give false values for the first 4 variables & true for last 2 values as output.

let v1 = false;
let v2 = new Boolean(false);
let v3 = new Boolean("");
let v4 = new Boolean(0);
let v5 = new Boolean(true);
let v6 = new Boolean("w3wiki");
console.log('v1 = ' + v1);
console.log('v2 = ' + v2);
console.log('v3 = ' + v3);
console.log('v4 = ' + v4);
console.log('v5 = ' + v5);
console.log('v6 = ' + v6);

v1 = false
v2 = false
v3 = false
v4 = false
v5 = true
v6 = true

Example 2: Below program will give true for the first value & false for the second value as output.

let v1 = true;
let v2 = new Boolean(true);

console.log('v1 = = v2 is ' + (v1 == v2));
console.log('v1 = = = v2 is ' + (v1 === v2));

v1 = = v2 is true
v1 = = = v2 is false

Note: v1 = = = v2 is not true as the type of v1 and v2(object) is not the same.

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JavaScript Boolean

Boolean is a datatype that returns either of two values i.e. true or false. In JavaScript, Boolean is used as a function to get the value of a variable, object, conditions, expressions, etc. in terms of true or false.

Note: A variable or object which has a value is treated as a true boolean value. ‘0‘, ‘NaN’, empty string, ‘undefined’, and ‘null’ is treated as false boolean values. 

Here a1 and a2 store the boolean value i.e. true and false respectively. 

let a1 = true;
let a2 = false;

Note: BelThe below variables are initialized with strings, not boolean values.  

let a1 ="true";
let a2 ="false";

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