JavaScript Identifiers

JavaScript Identifiers are names used to name variables and keywords and functions.

A identifier must begin with:

  • A letter(A-Z or a-z)
  • A dollar sign($)
  • A underscore(_)

Note: Numbers are not allowed as a first character in JavaScript Identifiers.

JavaScript Case Sensitive

JavaScript Identifiers are case-sensitive.

Example: Both the variables firstName and firstname are different from each other.

let firstName = "Geek";
let firstname = 100;



JavaScript Camel Case

In JavaScript Camel case is preferred to name a identifier.


let firstName
let lastName

JavaScript Character Set

A unicode character set is used in JavaScript. A unicode covers the characters, punctuations and symbols.

We have a complete article on character sets. Click here to read Charsets article.

JavaScript Syntax

JavaScript syntax refers to the rules and conventions dictating how code is structured and arranged within the JavaScript programming language. This includes statements, expressions, variables, functions, operators, and control flow constructs.


console.log("Basic Print method in JavaScript");

JavaScript syntax refers to the set of rules that determines how JavaScript programs are constructed:

// Variable declaration
let c, d, e;

// Assign value to the variable
c = 5; 

// Computer value of variables
d = c;
e = c / d;

JavaScript Values

There are two types of values defined in JavaScript Syntax:

  • Fixed Values: These are known as the literals.
  • Variable values: These are called variables

These are the features of JavaScript which have some predefined syntax:

Table of Content

  • JavaScript Literals
  • JavaScript Variables
  • JavaScript Operators
  • JavaScript Expressions
  • JavaScript Keywords
  • JavaScript Comments
  • JavaScript Data Types
  • JavaScript Functions
  • JavaScript Identifiers

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