JavaScript map Loop

A map loop is a method on arrays that creates a new array by executing a function on each element in the array.

Example: This example shows the use of map loop.


const arr = [1, 2, 3];
const newArr = => val * 2);


[ 2, 4, 6 ]

7 Loops of JavaScript

As a programmer, it’s crucial to comprehend loops since they give you a means to repeatedly run a block of code. Loops are a fundamental idea in computer programming. Using loops has a number of advantages, including.

  • Your code will be more effective if you use loops to automate repetitive processes and carry out the same actions repeatedly with little code.
  • To regulate the flow of execution based on specific conditions, loops can be used in conjunction with conditional statements.
  • When processing huge amounts of data, such as iterating through array elements or database records, loops are frequently utilized.
  • Through the repeated execution of code in response to input from the user or other events, loops can be utilized to develop dynamic and interactive applications.

In JavaScript, there are 7 types of loops that can be used to execute a block of code repeatedly. Each loop has its own specific use case and syntax, and choosing the right one depends on the problem you’re trying to solve. It’s important to understand the differences between these loops and when to use each one to write efficient and effective code. Here we have briefly discussed these loops:

Below all 7 loops are briefly described with an example code:

Table of Content

  • JavaScript for Loop
  • JavaScript while Loop
  • JavaScript do-while Loop
  • JavaScript for-in Loop
  • JavaScript for-of Loop
  • JavaScript forEach loop
  • JavaScript map Loop

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