JavaScript var keyword

The var is the oldest keyword to declare a variable in JavaScript. It has the Global scoped or function scoped which means variables defined outside the function can be accessed globally, and variables defined inside a particular function can be accessed within the function. 

Example 1: The below code example explains the use of the var keyword to declare the variables in JavaScript.

var a = 10
function f() {
    var b = 20
    console.log(a, b)

10 20

Example 2: The below example explains the behavior of var variables when declared inside a function and accessed outside of it.

function f() {

    // It can be accessible any
    // where within this function
    var a = 10;

// A cannot be accessible
// outside of function


ReferenceError: a is not defined

Example 3: The below code re-declare a variable with same name in the same scope using the var keyword, which gives no error in the case of var keyword.

var a = 10

// User can re-declare
// variable using var
var a = 8

// User can update var variable
a = 7 


Example 4: The below code explains the hoisting concept with the var keyword variables.

var a = 10;


Difference between var, let and const keywords in JavaScript

The keywords var, let, and const in JavaScript define the variable scope and behavior. The var keyword has function scope and is hoisted. The let and const keywords have block scope, with const requiring an initial value and preventing reassignment.

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JavaScript var keyword

The var is the oldest keyword to declare a variable in JavaScript. It has the Global scoped or function scoped which means variables defined outside the function can be accessed globally, and variables defined inside a particular function can be accessed within the function....

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Differences between var, let, and const

varletconstThe scope of a var variable is functional or global scope.The scope of a let variable is block scope.The scope of a const variable is block scope.It can be updated and re-declared in the same scope.It can be updated but cannot be re-declared in the same scope.It can neither be updated or re-declared in any scope.It can be declared without initialization.It can be declared without initialization.It cannot be declared without initialization.It can be accessed without initialization as its default value is “undefined”.It cannot be accessed without initialization otherwise it will give ‘referenceError’.It cannot be accessed without initialization, as it cannot be declared without initialization.These variables are hoisted.These variables are hoisted but stay in the temporal dead zone untill the initialization.These variables are hoisted but stays in the temporal dead zone until the initialization....