jQWidgets Complete References


jQWidgets is a JavaScript framework for making web-based applications for PC and mobile devices. It is a very powerful and optimized framework, platform-independent, and widely supported. It has more than 60 UI widgets that help to create attractive UI designs.

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jQWidgets Complete References

jQWidget jqxBarGauge jQWidget jqxBulletChart jQWidget jqxButton jQWidget jqxCalendar jQWidget jqxChart jQWidget jqxCheckBox jQWidget jqxColorPicker jQWidget jqxComboBox jQWidget jqxComplexInput jQWidget jqxDataTable jQWidget jqxDateTimeInput jQWidget jqxDocking jQWidget jqxDragDrop jQWidget jqxDropDownList jQWidget jqxEditor jQWidget jqxExpander jQWidget jqxFileUpload jQWidget jqxForm jQWidget jqxFormattedInput jQWidget jqxGauge jQWidget jqxGrid jQWidget jqxHeatMap jQWidget jqxInput jQWidget jqxKnob jQWidget jqxListBox jQWidget jqxListMenu jQWidget jqxLoader jQWidget jqxMaskedInput jQWidget jqxMenu jQWidget jqxNavBar jQWidget jqxNavigationBar jQWidget jqxNotification jQWidget jqxNumberInput jQWidget jqxPasswordInput jQWidget jqxPopover jQWidget jqxProgressBar jQWidget jqxRadioButton jQWidget jqxRangeSelector jQWidget jqxRating jQWidget jqxResponsivePanel jQWidget jqxRibbon jQWidget jqxScheduler jQWidget jqxScrollBar jQWidget jqxScrollView jQWidget jqxSlider jQWidget jqxSortable jQWidget jqxSplitter jQWidget jqxTabs jQWidget jqxTagCloud jQWidget jqxTextArea jQWidget jqxTimePicker jQWidget jqxToolBar jQWidget jqxTooltip jQWidget jqxTouch jQWidget jqxTree jQWidget jqxTreeGrid jQWidget jqxTreeMap jQWidget jqxValidator jQWidget jqxWindow...