K-Dimensional Tree (KDTree)

KDTree is a space partitioning data structure for organizing points in K-Dimensional space. It is an improvement over KNN. It is useful for representing data efficiently. In KDTree the data points are organized and partitioned on the basis of some specific conditions.

How the algorithm works:

To understand this let’s take the sample data of Pizza Outlet which we considered in the previous example. Basically, we make some axis-aligned cuts and create different regions, keeping the track of points that lie in these regions. Each region is represented by a node in the tree.

  • Split the regions at the mean value of the observations.

For the first cut, we’ll find the mean of all the X-coordinates (Cheese Content in this case).

Now on both regions, we’ll calculate the means of Y-coordinates to make the cuts and so on, repeating the steps until the number of points in each region is less than a given number. You can choose any number less than the number of records in the dataset otherwise we’ll have only 1 region. The complete tree structure for this will be:

Here there are fewer than 3 points in each region.

Now if a new query point comes, and we need to find out in which region will the point be, we can traverse the tree. In this case, the query point(chosen randomly) lies in the 4th region.

We can find it’s the nearest neighbor in this region.

But this might not be the actual nearest neighbor for this query in the entire dataset. Hence we traverse back to node 2 and then check the remaining subtree for this node.

We get the tightest box for node 5 which contains all the points in this region. After that, we check if the distance of this box is closer to the query point than the current nearest neighbor or not.

In this case, the distance of the box is smaller. Hence, there is a point in the region point which is closer to the query point than the current nearest neighbor. We find that point, and then we again traverse back the tree to node 3 and check the same.

Now the distance is greater than the distance from the new nearest neighbor. Hence, we stop here, and we do not need to search for this sub-tree. We can prune this part of the tree.

Note: A branch of the tree is eliminated only when K points have been found and the branch cannot have points closer than any of the K current bests.

KD tree Implementation: 

We will be performing Document Retrieval which is the most widely used use case for Information Retrieval. For this, we have made a sample dataset of articles available on the internet on famous celebrities. On entering the name you get the names of the celebrities similar to the given name. Here the K value is taken as 3. We will get the three nearest neighbors of the document name entered.

You can get the dataset from here.



#import the libraries required
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import nltk
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer, TfidfTransformer
from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree
#Reading the dataset
person = pd.read_csv('famous_people.csv')
#Printing first five rows of the dataset





#Counting the frequency of occurrence of each word
count_vector = CountVectorizer()
train_counts = count_vector.fit_transform(person.Text)
#Using tf-idf to reduce the weight of common words
tfidf_transform = TfidfTransformer()
train_tfidf = tfidf_transform.fit_transform(train_counts)
a = np.array(train_tfidf.toarray())
#obtaining the KDTree
kdtree = KDTree(a ,leaf_size=3)
#take the name of the personality as input
person_name=input("Enter the name of the Person:- ")
#Using KDTree to get K articles similar to the given name
distance, idx = kdtree.query(person['tfidf'][person['Name']== person_name].tolist(), k=3)
for i, value in list(enumerate(idx[0])):
    print("Name : {}".format(person['Name'][value]))
    print("Distance : {}".format(distance[0][i]))
    print("URI : {}".format(person['URI'][value]))



We get MS Dhoni, Virat Kohli, and Yuvraj Singh as the 3 nearest neighbors for MS Dhoni.

Advantages of using KDTree

  • At each level of the tree, KDTree divides the range of the domain in half. Hence they are useful for performing range searches.
  • It is an improvement of KNN as discussed earlier.
  • The complexity lies in between O(log N) to O(N) where N is the number of nodes in the tree.

Disadvantages of using KDTree

  • Degradation of performance when high dimensional data is used. The algorithm will need to visit many more branches. If the dimensionality of a dataset is K then the number of nodes N>>(2^K).
  • If the query point is far from all the points in the dataset then we might have to traverse the whole tree to find the nearest neighbors.

For any queries do leave a comment below.

Introductory guide to Information Retrieval using KNN and KDTree

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