Kanban Methodology

Kanban is a visual project management methodology that emphasizes continuous delivery and flow of work. It originated from the manufacturing sector, particularly the Toyota Production System, and has since been adapted for knowledge work, software development, and various other domains.


  • Visual Management: Kanban uses visual boards to represent the workflow.
  • Continuous Delivery: Focuses on continuous delivery of small increments.
  • Limit Work in Progress (WIP): Limits the number of tasks in progress to enhance flow.


  • Continuous Delivery: Ideal for projects with a continuous flow of incoming work.
  • Visual Learners: Suited for teams that benefit from visualizing work stages.

Waterfall vs Agile vs Scrum vs Kanban in Product Management

Product management involves the strategic planning, development, and delivery of products. Various methodologies have emerged to streamline and optimize this process. Here, we’ll explore four popular frameworks: Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, and Kanban, comparing their key characteristics and highlighting their suitability for different scenarios.

Waterfall vs Agile vs Scrum vs Kanban in Product Management

Table of Content

  • Waterfall Methodology
  • Agile Methodology
  • Scrum Methodology
  • Kanban Methodology
  • Choosing the Right Methodology
  • Waterfall vs Agile vs Scrum vs Kanban in product management

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