KDE Plot of Iris Dataset

Let see the example with Iris Dataset which is plot distributions for each column of a wide-form dataset:

Iris data set consists of 3 different types of irises’ (Setosa, Versicolour, and Virginica) petal and sepal length, stored in a 150×4 numpy.ndarray

Loading the iris dataset for Kdeplot:


iris = sns.load_dataset('iris')


Bivariate Kdeplot for two variables of iris:

Once we have species set then if we want to simply calculate the petal_length and petal_width then Simple pass the two variables(Setosa and virginica ) into the seaborn.kdeplot() methods.


setosa = iris.loc[iris.species=="setosa"]
virginica = iris.loc[iris.species == "virginica"]
sns.kdeplot(setosa.petal_length, setosa.petal_width)


See another example if we want to calculate another variable attribute which is sepal_width and sepal_length.


sns.kdeplot(setosa.sepal_width, setosa.sepal_length)


If we pass the two separate Kdeplot with different variable:


sns.kdeplot(setosa.petal_length, setosa.petal_width)
sns.kdeplot(virginica.petal_length, virginica.petal_width)


Seaborn Kdeplot – A Comprehensive Guide

Kernel Density Estimate (KDE) Plot is a powerful tool for estimating the probability density function of continuous or non-parametric data. KDE plot is implemented through the kdeplot function in Seaborn. This article explores the syntax and usage of kdeplot in Python, focusing on one-dimensional and bivariate scenarios for efficient data visualization.

Table of Content

  • What is KDE plot?
  • How to visualize KDE Plot using Seaborn?
  • KDE Plot of Iris Dataset
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
